.. _config: ============= Configuration ============= The majority of the Patchlab configuration is inside a Django settings file. Django ====== .. automodule:: patchlab.settings.base .. autodata:: patchlab.settings.base.PATCHLAB_GITLAB_WEBHOOK_SECRET .. autodata:: patchlab.settings.base.PATCHLAB_MAX_EMAILS .. autodata:: patchlab.settings.base.PATCHLAB_REPO_DIR Git === Patchlab makes use of the ``git`` command line to apply patches and open merge requests on GitLab. As such, the user that runs the ``parsemail.sh`` or ``series2gitlab`` service needs a valid git configuration that contains at least a user and email:: [user] email = you@example.com name = Your Name Git repositories should be stored in ``PATCHLAB_REPO_DIR/-`` and have write access to the "origin" remote where it pushes branches. Gitlab ====== Patchlab uses `python-gitlab`_ when interacting with Gitlab. ``/etc/python-gitlab.cfg`` or ``~/.python-gitlab.cfg`` should contain a configuration section for each Gitlab host being bridged:: [global] ssl_verify = true timeout = 30 [gitlab.example.com] url = https://gitlab.example.com private_token = abc123 [other-gitlab.example.com] url = https://other-gitlab.example.com private_token = 123abc For details, see the `python-gitlab documentation`_. .. _python-gitlab: https://python-gitlab.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ .. _python-gitlab documentation: https://python-gitlab.readthedocs.io/en/stable/cli.html#configuration